New year, new you, are we right? Yes, January first often comes with big aspirations and goals. Exercise, drinking more water, seeing friends more etc. Often by March, they fall by the wayside because they all are a bit, well, vague.
This year is going to be different. With a definite goal of landing a new job in sight, 2022’s resolutions are looking a whole lot clearer and more achievable.
We’ve put together a few of our top tips on how to turn that 2022 resolution into a reality.
Get clear about what you want
The term “dream job” can be a bit wish-washy at times. Use the first few weeks of the new year to write a list of things you are looking for in a job. Style of job ie creative or analytical, good location, benefits, working hours etc. With this in mind, you’ll have a much clearer vision of what you want.